political machines apush

What were the major similarities and differences between the three political parties active in the Gilded Age? The party endorsed the coinage of silver to improve the financial situation of debtors. Large corporations "owned" majorities in many state legislatures, and through those, "owned" the US Senate (members of which were elected by state legislatures at the time). B) Many social elites also accessed public leisure spaces in cities. Known as the father of the skyscraper because he designed the first steel-skeleton skyscraper in Chicago. C) They moved westward in large numbers to escape segregationist laws. Which of the following explains a continuity in the effect of technological innovation on the production of goods in the late 1800s? Required: Calculate the before-tax LIFO liquidation profit or loss that the company would report in a disclosure note, assuming the amount determined is material. D) The demand for inexpensive labor led industrialists to advocate increased immigration. B) Improved quality of manufacturing steadily decreased demand for consumer goods. WebThis APUSH & U.S. History BUNDLE includes 5 political cartoon analysis activities & PowerPoints and over 25 political cartoons and images to help with analyzing key historical themes and topics for Period 6 (1865-1898) in AP U.S. History. Tammany members saw themselves as the bastion of Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican principles. American writer who lived in England. Ward politics were eliminated in favor of city-wide officials. Who was the political boss of New York City? Answer: D). The development of the railroads as described in the excerpt had which of the following effects on westward expansion in the late 1800s? B) Increased demand for resources and markets for goods D) Developing practices of sharecropping and tenant farming. Direct link to Bennett's post Winner-takes-all systems , Posted 5 months ago. supplies, 30 percent on tuition, 30 percent on rent, 10 percent on food and Legalized use of injunctions after strike Answer: D) New industrial machines increased the number of goods that factories could make. agencies, in response to rising power of big business, increasing gap b/w rich and poor, violent conflict b/w labor and capital, woman's suffrage, and dominance of corrupt political machines in the cities; favored changes or reform through governmental action; reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor; called for better working conditions for women, wanted to end capitalism and public ownership of factories, utilities, railroads, and communications systems, replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society, production and distribution are privately or corporately owned; investments determined by private decision; prices, production, and the distribution of goods are determined mainly by competition in a free market; Suffrage: right to vote, struggle for women, 19th Amendment, reaction to public distrust of big corporations; Theodore Roosevelt's 1902 State of the Union message gave high priority to breaking up business monopolies; TR's attorney general filed suit against Northern Securities Company, giant holding company created to control railroading in Northwest, for violating Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, to deprive (a person) of the right to vote or other rights of citizenship, journalists/writers who wanted to expose corruption, Pres. He organized political clubs throughout the city, involved women and children in family activities, and took on a patina of respectability. They realized they were being eclipsed by the Clinton political organization, and Aaron Burrs appeal faded after his duel with Alexander Hamilton. WebTeaching the history of urbanization poses a challenge for teachers of AP United States History courses. Rewrite the sentence, adding a prepositional phrase to modify the noun, verb, or adjective within the inverted comma. Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan delivered his rousing Cross of Gold speech, which called for free silver, in 1896. The term political machine has been used mostly since the 19th century in the United States, used to describe machines like Tamanny Hall who stayed in control mostly because of the large support from the immigrants in Manhattan during the 19th century. In 192319231923, Germany underwent one of the worst periods in history of hyperinflation extraordinarily large inflation in prices. Ignored low wages and dangerous working conditions I have a question with regards to the success of the THIRD-PARTY MOVEMENT during this era. The book shocked Americans with its stark depiction of poverty. Tweed Ring/Tammany Hall Political machine in New York City that helped Irish immigrants rise up in American politics, controlled democratic party nominations and patronage. 5 What was the most famous political machine in NYC? Dominated Democratic party politics in the late 19th century, survived until the 20th and is keenly associated with corruption. B) Immigrants typically acquired their own plots of land and became subsistence farmers. It was not long, however, before Tammany ward bosses were back to business as usual, even though they faced challenges from reformers like the writer Henry George. Newspaper reporter and photographer who wrote How the Other Half Lives to show Americans how the poor lived in tenements. C) Chief Joseph sought additional support for agriculture on reservations, while Commissioner Parker called for industrialization on reservations. Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959 / "Prairie Style", He was the most famous student of Louis Sullivan and was considered America's greatest architect. | $4.0$ | No | He eventually attracted the censure of reform-minded journalists and disgruntled competitors and was finally toppled by the joint efforts of the New York Times, State Attorney General Samuel Tilden, and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. | $1.3$ | Yes | AP is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affliated with, and does not endorse, this website. C) granted free land to states for the establishment of argiculture colleges, the leader of the american railway union during the pullman strike was, henry fricks efforts to break workers and force them to accept lower wages resulted in the. Wm. C) Decreased economic competition from European empires The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following historical situations in urban areas in the late 1800s? Unsuccessfully tried to save the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite when congress approved a dam project there, Party of Roosevelt supporters formed during the election of 1912 An end-of-period adjusting entry that debits Unearned Revenue most likely will credit Referred to the second major wave of immigration to the United States. A) Most Americans embraced the arrival of new immigrants in the late 1800s. Tammany Hall members adopted many Native American terms and symbols, for example calling their meeting hall a wigwam and their leader a Grand Sachem.. Direct link to GKeenan2021's post are there any similaritie, Posted 3 years ago. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. These data are listed in the accompanying table in the next column. Answer: B) Populist speakers often used religious examples and metaphors to make moral arguments for their policies. Platform was almost all of the progressive movements - lower tariffs, woman suffrage, business regulation, abolition of child labor, 8-hour workday, workers compensation, direct primaries, popular election of senators, recall petition, voters can remove a public official from office if have enough signatures, voters can enact a law or express their views on proposed measure, beautifying environment (mainly through Acts), Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, outlaw adulterated foods and drugs and required accurate ingredient labels; sanitary rules to meat packaging; hope is to regain public's confidence and support, controlled as part of urban beautification, improved, TR set of progressive policies, aimed to regulate big businesses, help organized labor, protect consumers, conserve nation's resources and environment, powerfully engage the federal government in reform; corporate order to stay, big businesses must be regulated in the public interest, welfare of workers, consumers safeguarded, and environment protected, his life was proof that US is a land of opportunity; "rags to riches"; entrepreneur who had risen through self-discipline and hard work; steelmaker; immigrated to US at young age; he was ambitious and hardworking; he worked 60-hr workday and night courses; became city's fastest telegraph operator; @ age 24, head of Pennsylvania railroad western division; combines new tech with cost analysis from RR experience first steelmaker to establish actual production cost of steel; cut costs and developed a basis for deciding when to invest in new furnaces and machinery, controlling all aspects of manufacturing (from raw material finished product), merging competing companies into one giant system (Rockefeller and oil companies), legal instrument that spells out the beneficiaries and what the money can be spent for, young Cleveland merchant, who gradually achieved dominance; resembled the opportunistic steelmaker; passion for cost cutting and efficiency; realized mass production enterprise could save 1000s of $$; aggressively forced out his competitors; by 1879, seized control of 90% of country's oil refining capacity, book by Upton Sinclair; graphically vividly described the foul conditions in meatpacking plants, and exploitation of immigrant workers; led to women's organization and consumer groups, public opinion on issue, Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act, run city like an efficient business; would reduce immigrant' political clout and increased influence of the corporate elite; business interests support, confidential voting system; local government strengthened, replacing the corrupt current system; first presidential election using secret ballots was 1892; harder to rig elections, rank and file voters rather than party bosses to select to compete in general election, voters can instruct the legislature to consider a specific bill, American railroad developer and speculator; faced large financial and organizational problems, railroads got generous land and loan subsidies from federal, state, and local governments--> huge debt of all U.S. railroads; created large integrated track networks, expanded railroad industry; depicted as villain and robber baron who manipulated stock markets and company policies, against any government intervention in business affairs, passed because of rising public concern with the growing power and wealth of corporations, particularly railroads; required railroad rates to be "reasonable and just"; set up Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)- had power to investigate and prosecute pools, rebates, and other discriminatory practices, took over weakened railroad systems, reorganized their administration, refinanced their debts, and built intersystem alliances, Protestant clergymen supported the cause of social justice for the poor; meant the importance of applying Christian principles to social problems; led by NY minister, Walter Rauschenbusch; encouraged many middle-class Protestants to attack urban problems, set up commission to prepare competitive examinations and establish standards of merit for variety of federal jobs; made it illegal to fire or demote government employees for political reasons; opened up new positions for women, who now held nearly 1/3 of the jobs as federal clerks in govt. Often involves tactics like illegal registration, harassment or tampering with voting machines. The historical situation of the excerpt supports which of the following arguments about reform in the Gilded Age? Select the best choice from among the possible answers given. Did the Populists succeed? Novelist who wrote in a naturalistic style. Have you ever tried floating in ocean water the high salt content acts as a buoy. Worker protection law from Democrats, 1919 - outlawed manufacture, sale, transport of alcoholic beverages Whats an agrarian activist? important legacy of progressivism, Mother Jones encouraged coal miners in Pennsylvania to join How many barrels will be produced in the first $9$ years? Founded by Henry Bowers, its membership reached 500,000 by 1894. Which of the two was represented by Abraham Lincoln in the election of 1860? A) The fur trade developed in the 1600s, fostering new forms of interactions between peoples. A silver standard? its price weighted by its share of total expenditure.) I n 1881 he became an editor of the New York Evening Post and in 1883 editor in chief, carrying the Nation, by then an influential critical weekly, with him as a weekly in connection with the Post. Writer who introduced grim realism to the American novel. Lowered transit fares, fairer tax structure, public baths & other services, Wisconsin governor wants to regulate railroads, mines, other businesses This established a repetitive cycle of relatively weak presidents who owed many political favors that could be repaid through one prerogative power: patronage. A) They rejected the mechanization of agriculture in order to avoid farm workers becoming unemployed. The artists believed in portraying scenes from everyday life in starkly realistic detail. Sullivan, along with Daniel Burnham, was a founder of the "Chicago School" of architecture that used a steel structural frame, large windows to admit maximum light, and little exterior ornamentation. Political machine. During the Gilded Age, reformers argued that economic greed and self-interest had corrupted all levels of government. For each statement, indicate the accounting term described, or answer "None" if the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms.\ That required more money in the system, which had been limited to the amount of gold held in reserves. Which of the following was true of the Dawes act of 1887? Stole millions from taxpayers using fraud and overinflation 1886-1900. James was one of the founders of modern psychology, and the first to attempt to apply psychology as a science rather than a philosophy. Evidence in support of this claim is something called Tammany Hall. A) Immigrants were often enslaved as laborers in northern factories and mills. His "damn the Yankees!" Roosevelts national relief programs were more effective than Tammany charities. Louis Sullivan, 1856-1914 / "Chicago School". Magazines became available to a broader middle-class audience. A. common sense B. global peace C. tax cuts D. improved morale. Legislative reference library - lawmakers not dependent on corporate lobbyists for factual information Focused on moral improvement and exposing squalid tenement housing Public school enrollment grew, Muckraker, wrote The Jungle D) Sharecropping emerged in the Reconstruction era, channeling farmers into new labor systems. Direct link to David Alexander's post Large corporations "owned, Posted 2 years ago. These policies benefited banks and business owners. Boss William Marcy Tweed stamped the Society indelibly with the taint of urban boss corruption. Roosevelt's secretary of war, then president after Roosevelt, then later chief justice of the US, Illustrated how the cult of domesticity could evolve into a broader view of women's social and political responsibilities, Goal was to legislate a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages. 4. The APR was p%. Although he had no political experience, the idea was that his war-hero status would carry him to victory. the morrill land grant act did which of the following? The Gilded Age began shortly before the start of Americas Second Industrial Revolution and ended ten years after the start of the Progressive Era. The Northwest Ordinance in 1787 set the rules for admitting new states to the US, including public education and guaranteeing of property rights. What is a tariff? What is mean by the term currency issue in the content of the Gilded Age? A) The federal government frequently intervened in the economy to minimize class conflict. The machine had not supported either candidate, and once the elections ended, both FDR and La Giardia moved to weaken the patronage system upon which Tammany relied. Answer: C) Ewen asserts that some immigrants sought personal fulfilment, whereas Bodnar asserts that most immigrants focused on supporting their families over individualism. Answer: B) New commercial centers and communities emerged along rail lines. Which of the two political parties (Republicans or Democrats) is known as the Grand Old Party? Illegal interference with the process of an election. Although the Republican Party dominated the presidency during the Gilded Age, political contests throughout the era were hotly contested, and Democrats frequently took control of the House of Representatives. Which of the two can claim to have banned slavery in the United States? D) They sought to minimize the influence of consumerism. Progressive - met with reform-minded professors Sixteen water specimens were randomly selected from various locations in a reservoir on the floor of a mine. R(t)=\frac{100}{t+1}+5\qquad 0\leq{t}\leq20 WebThe Peoples Party, commonly called the Populists, emerged as a major force in national politics in the 1890s. Economically, the party supported a strong protective tariff to shield American industry from foreign competition, and a hard money policy that tied the dollar to the gold standard. High school APUSH teacher with much in-class and online teaching experience. A Realist painter known for his seascapes of New England. A) Businesses made use of new management structures to increase the production of goods. | $0.3$ | No | Tammany Hall was a nineteenth and twentieth century New York City political machine that got its start in the 1780s as a benevolent society. He was arrested on charges of financial corruption and died in a city jail in 1872. Answer: C) The passage of legislation to ban immigration from eastern Asia. When did the Second Industrial Revolution begin? Whats one reason why voters turned out in record numbers during the Gilded Age? https://docs.google.com/document/d/19JHgIOuXI9pzVoHPSjP1a7NhfIX2rh2R_LPl70GUo44/edit?usp=sharing. Only rich people, who already had lots of money and resources, were considered good enough credit risks for the banks that held the deposits to loan to. Which of the two was most likely to support the notion of states' rights? Answer: C) Rural immigrant populations outpaced those of cities as access to land became easier. C) The passage of legislation to ban immigration from eastern Asia. Reforms gained national attention as "Wisconsin Idea", APUSH CH. Political machines often brought modern services to the city, including a crude form of welfare for urban newcomers. During the Gilded Age, the major political parties also contended over tariffs and currency issues. Answer: A) In both periods, the expansion of power over western North America gave the United States control over more natural resources. Also a blogger, keynote speaker, editor, podcast host, and conference presenter. How did the growth of the economy in the Gilden Age affect democracy? The practice began during the administration of President Andrew Jackson, who took office in March 1829. Catholics? C) Populists sought to develop commercial farming through the expansion of transportation networks. Populations outpaced those of cities as access to land became easier often used religious and! Morrill land grant act did which of the following was true of the explains... The rules for admitting new States to the success of the Dawes act of?! In northern factories and mills their own plots of land and became subsistence farmers crude form of welfare urban., which called for free silver, in 1896 to minimize class conflict from eastern Asia ten. 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